Your engagement in work depends not only on the company and the given projects but also on your internal motivation, ability to manage your time and focus, the way you perceive the world and how you handle problems, both on a professional and private level.
Understanding issues influencing your work, realising whether they are of a professional or a private origin, sharing your concerns with trusted people will make you grow and fully focus on your tasks.
It will also help you to understand whether you are at the right place in terms of your carrier or if you would like to move or change something.


  • A personal growth expert is like a mirror. She tells you what she hears which might be different from what you’ve been hearing and thinking about yourself


  • She can ask the right questions, help you find the answers, and be accountable for the steps you want to take


  • Speaking out loud helps to reflect on one’s own thinking. Moreover this is how sometimes right answers to difficult questions arise


  • Having an accountable person next to you speeds up the process of change and helps to undertake steps which wouldn’t be easy to do alone


For all team members, independent experts, employees of the company who feel in tune with these statements: 

  • My personal issues influence my approach towards my work 

  • Managing my time is a challenge 

  • I don’t feel confident enough work-wise 

  • I am stuck with a problem and don’t know where to go 

  • I have difficulties with focusing on the project 

  • I lack motivation  

  • I am not sure if my job is what I really want to do
